Wednesday 27th February 2019, another warm blue sky day. Chilly start then temperature rose to 12°C, warm work walking the couple of thousands of feet over Heron Pike to Great Rigg. Chilly breeze on top. Then via Alcock Tarn to the Badger Bar in Rydal village. A few pints of the excellent Goodhews Dry Stout soon helped my legs and bad back to recover. Jolly good steak and ale pie too.
It was a couple of miles back to our hotel with a bit over a mile on cart tracks and footpaths, all in the dark by headtorch. Lot colder now so we wrapped up warm and made it back to our hotel room just after 8pm. It was about 13 miles for the day in total.
I ran off just 10 shots on 1 roll of Ilford 400 Delta 120 format film using my Mamiya 7 camera. All with the 65mm lens. Here are a few phone photos from the day.

Tree reflections

Fairfield to Dove Crag from Heron Pike


Alcock Tarn

Hazy view again

Grasmere from above

Reflecting Pool from above

Alcock Tarn