Dryer for black and white Fibre Based FB darkroom printing papers.
Dryer for black and white Fibre Based FB darkroom printing papers.
Blog on video about choosing and using various Durst and DeVere enlargers
The photo is of one of the Peak District locations, a few miles from home, that I used for the recent 2 day Experience Black and White course. It was a private course for Trevor from Sheffield who wanted to […]
All images are copyright © Dr. Dave Butcher and may not be downloaded, copied or reproduced in any way without prior written permission. All rights are reserved.
for Dave Butcher clearance and discontinued original prints at greatly reduced prices, between £6 and £30 (reduced from usual prices £15 to £250).
for Dave Butcher DarkroomDave YouTube Channel with freely available videos of darkroom techniques.
Blogger Blog Posts – similar posts to those on my blog here but with bigger pictures.
my wife has retired as a professional photographer. Her work is available by special order only. Please use the Contact form on this website for all enquiries.